Roots Win
Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash
Happy New Year!
I’m working on my new year’s vision - one little month later than the official start to the year, but hey - progress!
I listed 10 goals that I had for 2024. And then, following the sage advice of Brian Tracy, thought about the following question: If I could only accomplish one of the goals, but could accomplish it in the next twenty-four hours, which would have the most positive impact on my life?
I got stuck.
I could only see how my ten goals were woven together with dependency and mutuality. Success with one hinged on and forecasted success with another.
But, ultimately, goal #1 seemed the driving force behind overall life success: my relationship with the Lord.
All things flow from this. From Him. Lord - keep my eyes on You.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33